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Universal Everything

Generative Characters unveiled in upcoming exhibition at ACMI

Image Credit: Universal Everything, Beings, ACMI

Universal Everything’s upcoming solo exhibition at ACMI (Melbourne, Australia), Beings, invites visitors to interact with coded characters that respond differently to each visitor. Using evolving algorithms and generative technology, the characters grow and change in real time in response to the movements of individual visitors. The work plays with glossy, polished forms inspired by the human figure, human emotion, and nature, forming a bespoke aesthetic that is uniquely UE.

Media Credit: Universal Everything, ACMI

The exhibition includes 13 works, 4 of which are being debuted. Additionally, it will feature, for the first time, a glimpse into the UE’s creative process, including hand-drawn sketches shown alongside the finished works. 

Image Credit: Universal Everything, Beings, ACMI

For nearly twenty years, Universal Everything (UE) has been creating vibrant, captivating visual experiences for audiences worldwide. Using emerging display technologies as their canvas, the studio creates digital experiences that subvert cinematic CGI, physics simulations and real-time generative design to create new forms of moving image, interaction and immersive spaces.

Image Credit: Universal Everything, Beings, ACMI

UE, a collective of media artists, experience designers, and future makers established in 2004, includes a diverse cohort of 60+ architects, engineers, designers, cinematographers, animators, musicians, and developers.

Beings will be on view from May 22 – September 29 2024 in ACMI’s Gallery 4. 

